Focus on things we can begin doing right now that will make our lives more joyous and peace filled::
Start Spending Time With The “Right” People – Spend time with people you enjoy -who bring you up instead of push you down. Sure there are always lessons we can learn from others but you don’t need to continue hanging around with and associating with people who you know bring in an offsetting vibe. Learn what you need to from them about yourself and move on. I have found that the longer I let things linger with people simply because I feel I’m supposed to never let them bother me, the worse a situation gets as I’m not taking care of myself. You can’t change others, so focus on you and spend time with those who resonate with you the most.
Start Loving & Being Nicer To Yourself – Think about how you speak to yourself sometimes – how does it sound? What do you say? Unless you are already great at self talk and have a solid connection to the love that you are, it’s likely you say some nasty things to yourself. Whether it be about your appearance, performance on something or your ability to do something you want to do, it’s easy for us to tear ourselves down. Now imagine someone else was saying all those things to you instead. Would it be nice of that person? Of course not. So why do we choose to not be nice to ourselves? Learning to love ourselves and cut out the nasty talk is so important. Be sure to be aware of what you are saying to yourself.
Start Being Fully Honest With Yourself  – Being fully honest with yourself is so important as we can get caught up in convincing ourselves that various things don’t bother us or aren’t a challenge for us. We even be guilty to avoid admitting certain characteristics about the current version of ourselves. Honesty is needed in every aspect of our lives whether it’s with other people, ourselves, our work and so on. The more honest we are, the more we can grow from our experiences and keep things simple. You learn a lot about yourself when you are honest.
Start Facing Your Challenges Head On – We always want our problems or challenges to just go away. But most of the time it isn’t quite that simple. We need to take some sort of action steps. Choose to do something about the challenges you face as opposed to letting them linger and simply complaining about them. We have the choice and control, it’s time to embrace that power. If it helps, choose one problem or challenge you face right now, and write out some things you can do to get it moving forward.
Start Listening To Your Own Inner Voice – Whether you want to call it your inner voice, your heart, gut feelings, intuition, soul, higher self, higher perspective or any other name you give to the real YOU that is beyond your mind, listening to that voice a little more often makes a big difference in your life. It’s YOU! It’s there to guide you, show you your passions and what paths make the most sense for you at any given moment. The more you listen to it means the less you listen to the mind which can often over analyze or bring emotional patterns into your decisions. Listening to your inner voice is following your heart.
Start Living In The NOW – This was one of the most powerful things for me to implement in my life. I’m not saying I’m always in the now as certainly I get stuck thinking about the past or future in ways that cause suffering, but using this tool as much as possible is huge. Everything you have or are is all happening right now and you only have the now. Even in a future moment it is still the now. When you pay attention to what is happening now you give your whole self to what you are doing and that brings much peace and joy. The past or future can be used as a reference to make adjustments in the now, but avoid fretting or worrying about either. The dwelling will only cause suffering. There is much beauty happening now that you won’t want to miss.
Start Valuing What Your “Mistakes” Teach You – I don’t believe there are mistakes in life. Simply, we make choices and they play out experiences. Deep down we have an understanding of what is right and wrong and we live by that. When it comes to smaller choices where we make decisions and they end up in less favorable outcomes, there is a lot to learn from them. Taking risks sometimes results in a stumble or a fall, but this will teach you so much about yourself and the journey you make through each experience. We focus so much on the end goal and how it came to be defined rather than all we learned along the way. There are no mistakes. Value what you learn from every journey.
Start Being Yourself Completely – You are an awesome unique individual, no matter what anyone says. Embracing that is often so difficult because we have social pressures as well as ideas of ourselves (often based on social pressures) that get in the way of us being real. Deep down we all know who we are, what we love and how we want to be, it’s just a matter of getting used to being that when we have gotten used to putting something else “on” for so long. It can be scary for sure, we are putting ourselves out there and if people don’t accept us it can hurt. But the truth is, you will be amazed at how much people love you and are appreciative of what you resonate when you are truly being yourself. People can feel when others aren’t embracing their true selves and this is what usually creates interesting experiences.
Start Enjoying & Appreciating What You Already Have – Sometimes we get caught up in chasing things like money and other material possessions. While these things are not bad to experience or have, it’s important not to get stuck in the idea that “I will be happy once I get these things.” Too often we are waiting around for the “best” situation to play out for us, all the while missing out on the experiences that are right in front of us. Where we have food, shelter, friends, family and life. We also can get caught up in comparing ourselves to others and what they have. Before you go to bed, mid day or even when you wake up, remember all that you have and this will help to keep you out of the chase for more. After all, when you finally get the things you desire, won’t the mind just look for more if we let it?
Start Being Accountable & Creating Your Own Joy – When we look outside ourselves to create joy or peace in our lives we basically give up our own power in doing so. The truth is, you already have all it takes to feel great in your life and sometimes it’s about taking the action to make that the case. In our culture most of the time we assume that happiness will come from others and from things and when we get everything in line we will be OK -Let’s break this habit and start by finding the power inside each of us to begin creating joy now.
Start Helping People Around You – Regardless of what society may suggest is the case, we are all in this together and connected to one another. Caring about people and assisting them in their own journey, in whatever form that comes in, is a great way to connect with others and use your unique skills. On top of that you create a sharing relationship with those people so that exchanges can continue down the road. You aren’t doing it to get something in return, but rather to extend love outwards only to see it come back in whatever form it does.
Start Accepting Things Even If They Aren’t Perfect – Really, what is perfect? Sometimes we have a tough time accepting things when they aren’t perfect, but perfection is simply an idea your mind created. We can get caught up in things in our world not appearing exactly as we wish to see them, but much of it is us learning to be at peace with how things unfold. We can only take actions on things we have control over. This isn’t to say you need to settle for everything, but rather, don’t obsess over the small details and instead be at peace with where things are at in this moment.
Start Paying Attention to How You Feel About Things – Often times we might feel a particular way about something but we don’t take it seriously or voice it because we don’t understand it or don’t want to share it with others. How you feel deep down about something is important and we should certainly value that. Social pressures don’t outweigh how you feel inside about something so feel free to understand that feeling and own it versus burying it. Often we can hide these feelings inside only to later realize many others felt the same about something but didn’t say anything because they were all afraid as well. Your voice and heart can impact others. Don’t be afraid to speak.
Start Focusing On The Possibilities Of Things vs Them Not Working Out – Have you ever heard the idea that if you believe it, it will happen? Now of course this isn’t quite the full story, but believing in possibility has a big impact on not only your own effort and motivation around something but also how others will perceive it. If you want to do something in your life, believe you can do it and avoid thinking negatively about the outcome. “This would never happen to me.” Or “Good things never happen to me.” This type of self talk and lack of believing in self can quickly kill what you are trying to achieve in life. Focus on what you want to happen and how you want to go about it. Focusing on the “negative” won’t do much but make the whole situation feel “negative.
This is the human test, a test to see if you are a human. Are we agreed? Yes? Then let's begin.
  • Have you ever made a small, weird sound when you remembered something embarrassing?
  • Have you ever purposely lowercased the first letter of a text in order to come across as sad or disappointed? 
  • Have you ever ended a text with a period as a sign of aggression? Okay. Period.
  • Have you ever laughed or smiled when someone said something shitty to you and then spent the rest of the day wondering why you reacted that way? Yes.
  • Have you ever seemed to lose your airplane ticket a thousand times as you walked from the check-in to the gate? Yes.
  • Have you ever put on a pair of pants and then much later realized that there was a loose sock smushed up against your thigh? 
  • Have you ever tried to guess someone else's password so many times that it locked their account?Mmm.
  • Have you ever had a nagging feeling that one day you will be discovered as a fraud?
  • Have you ever hoped that there was some ability you hadn't discovered yet that you were just naturally great at?
  • Have you ever broken something in real life, and then found yourself looking for an "undo" button in real life?
  • Have you ever marveled at how someone you thought was so ordinary could suddenly become so beautiful?
  • Have you ever stared at your phone smiling like an idiot while texting with someone?
  • Have you ever subsequently texted that person the phrase "I'm staring at the phone smiling like an idiot"?
  • Have you ever been tempted to, and then gave in to the temptation, of looking through someone else's phone?
  • Have you ever had a conversation with yourself ?
  • Has your phone ever run out of battery in the middle of an argument, and it sort of felt like the phone was breaking up with both of you?
  • Have you ever thought that working on an issue between you was futile because it should just be easier than this, or this is supposed to happen just naturally? Have you ever realized that very little, in the long run, just happens naturally?
  • Have you ever woken up blissfully and suddenly been flooded by the awful remembrance that someone had left you?
  • Have you ever lost the ability to imagine a future without a person that no longer was in your life? Have you ever looked back on that event with the sad smile of autumn and the realization that futures will happen regardless?
Congratulations. You have now completed the test. You are all human.

Be Happy

We hold on to so many things that cause us a great deal of pain, stress and suffering – and instead of letting them all go, instead of allowing ourselves to be stress free and happy – we cling on to them. Not anymore. Starting today we will give up on all those things that no longer serve us, and let's embrace change. 

Ready? Here we go:

The need, to Always 'Be Right'

There are so many of us who can’t stand the idea of being wrong – wanting to always be right – even at the risk of ending great relationships or causing a great deal of stress and pain, for us and for others. It’s just not worth it. Whenever you feel the ‘urgent’ need to jump into a fight over who is right and who is wrong, ask this question:
 “Would I rather be right, or would I rather be kind?”  ~Wayne Dyer

What difference will that make? Is our ego really that big?

The Need for Control

Be willing to give up the need; to always control everything that happens – situations, events, people, etc. Whether they are loved ones, coworkers, or just strangers we meet on the street – just allow them to be. Allow everything and everyone to be just as they are and  see how much better it will be.
“By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try. The world is beyond winning.” ~Lao Tzu

Blame, the Lame Game

 Give up on the need to blame others for what we have or don’t have, for what we feel or don’t feel. Stop giving our powers away and start taking responsibility for our life.

That Self-defeating Self-talk

 Oh my. How many people are hurting themselves because of their negative, polluted and repetitive self-defeating mindset? Don’t believe everything that our mind is telling – especially if it’s negative and self-defeating. We are better than that.
“The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. Used wrongly, however, it becomes very destructive.” ~Eckhart Tolle

Those Limiting Beliefs

About what we can or cannot do, about what is possible or impossible. From now on, we are no longer going to allow those limiting beliefs to keep us stuck in the wrong place. Spread the wings and fly!
“A belief is not an idea held by the mind, it is an idea that holds the mind.” ~Elly Roselle

Oh no, that Complaining Prick

Give up the constant need to complain about those many, many, many things – people, situations, events that make us unhappy, sad and depressed. Nobody can make us unhappy, no situation can make sad or miserable unless we allow it to. It’s not the situation that triggers those feelings in us, but how we choose to look at it. Never underestimate the power of positive thinking.

Ahaa, the Luxury of Criticism

Give up the need to criticize things, events or people that are different. We are all different, yet we are all the same. We all want to be happy, we all want to love and be loved and we all want to be understood. We all want something, and something is wished by us all.

Arghh, that Need to Impress Others

Stop trying so hard to be something that we’re not just to make others like us. It doesn't work this way. The moment we stop trying so hard to be something that we’re not, the moment we take off all our masks, the moment we accept and embrace the real, we will find people will be drawn to us, effortlessly.

Oh Yeaah, the Resistance to Change

 Change is good. Change will help us move from A to B. Change will help to make improvements in our life and also the lives of those around us. Follow bliss, embrace change – don’t resist it.
“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.” ~Joseph Campbell

Ohlalaa, those Expensive Labels

 Stop labeling those things, people or events that don’t understand as being weird or different and try opening mind, little by little. Minds only work when open.
 “The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about.” ~Wayne Dyer

X-Factor Fears

Fear is just an illusion, it doesn't exist – we created it. It’s all in our mind. Correct the inside and the outside will fall into place.
“The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.” ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

Amazing Ways of Excuses

Send them packing and tell them they’re fired. We no longer need them. A lot of times we limit ourselves because of the many excuses we use. Instead of growing and working on improving ourselves and our lives, we get stuck, lying to ourselves, using all kind of excuses – excuses that 99.9% of the time are not even real.

Uhhhh, Exhausted Past

I know, I know. It’s hard. Especially when the past looks so much better than the present and the future looks so frightening, but we have to take into consideration the fact that the present moment is all we have and all will ever have. Stop deluding. Be present in everything we do and enjoy life. After all life is a journey not a destination. Have a clear vision for the future, prepare, but always be "present".

Ohoohohooo, Stimulating Attachment(s)

This is a concept that, for most of us is so hard to grasp and I have to tell, that it is for me too, but it’s not something impossible. one get better and better at with time and practice. The moment we detach our self from all things, (and that doesn't mean to give up your love for them – because love and attachment have nothing to do with one another,  attachment comes from a place of fear, while love… well, real love is pure, kind, and self less, where there is love there can’t be fear, and because of that, attachment and love cannot coexist) you become so peaceful, so tolerant, so kind, and so serene.

Untie, Other's Expectations

Way too many people are living a life that is not theirs to live. They live their lives according to what others think is best for them, they live their lives according to what their parents think is best for them, to what their friends, their enemies and their teachers, their government and the media think is best for them. They ignore their inner voice, that inner calling. They are so busy with pleasing everybody, with living up to other people’s expectations, that they lose control over their lives. They forget what makes them happy, what they want, what they need….and eventually they forget about themselves.  We have one life – this one right now – we must live it, own it, and especially don’t let other people’s opinions distract us from our path.


SAP BASIS - Captivating Facets - Set ein (1)

With reference to Transaction codes, Profiles, Roles, and Users, these are some of the interesting facets of SAP Basis.
  • Maximum number of transaction codes in a role – 14000 (SAP Note 410993, 841612 )
  • Maximum number of profiles for a role – ~312 since it is the maximum that you can assign to a user.
  • Maximum number of roles that can be assigned to a user – Its always calculated on profiles. The maximum is ~312 (SAP Note 410993)
  • Maximum number of fields in an authorization object is 10 (SAP Note 410993)
  • Maximum number of authorization objects in a role is 150 (SAP Note 410993, 943796)
  • Maximum number of single roles in a composite role – There is no technical limit for number of roles attached to composite role. But the limit is on the number of profiles assigned to the user. (SAP Note 410993)
  • Maximum number of characters in a user name is 12
  • Maximum length of the password – 8 (older versions) 40 (newer versions) –  SAP Note 877879. The minimum length can be controlled with login/min_password_lng parameter.
  • Maximum number of characters in a password – No limit, but depends on the other parameter values. Can be controlled with login/min_password_letters
  • Maximum number of numerics in a password – No limit, minimum numeric values can be controlled with login/min_password_digits
  • Maximum number of special characters in a password – 39, since the password should have atleast 1 character.  But depends on the other parameter values. Can be controlled with login/min_password_specials.
  • Maximum times a user can reset his/her password in a day – 1
  • Maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name of an authorization object is 10.
  • Maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name for an SAP Role is 30.
 Until next time, lads,......

Joy - Within

We are shaped by our thoughts, we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.  Lets read a story to know about pursuit of Joy.

Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man  was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour a day to drain the fluids from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back.

The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs etc. And every afternoon when the  man in the bed next to the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window.

The man in the other bed would live for those one-hour periods where  his world would be broadened and livened by all the activity and  color of the outside world. The man described him,"There is a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans are playing on the water while children are sailing their model boats. Lovers are walking arm in arm and there are flowers of every color of the rainbow."  As the man by the window described all this in creative detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the scene in his mind.

One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by.  Although the other man could not hear the band, he could see it in his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive  words. Unexpectedly, an alien thought entered his head: Why should he have all the pleasure of seeing everything while I never get to see  anything? It didn't seem fair. As the thought fermented, the man felt  ashamed at first. But as the days passed and he missed seeing more sights, his envy eroded into resentment and soon turned him sour. He began to found himself unable to sleep. All he wanted was that window bed.

Late one night, as he laid staring at the ceiling, the man by the window  began to cough. He was choking on the fluid in his lungs. The other man  watched in the dimly lit room as the struggling man by the window groped for the button to call for help. Listening from across the room, he never moved, never pushed his own button which would have brought the nurse running. In less than five minutes, the coughing and choking  stopped, along with the sound of breathing. Now, there was only silence--deathly silence.

The following morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths. When she found the lifeless body of the man by the window, she was saddened and called the hospital attendant to take it away. As soon as it seemed appropriate, the man asked if he  could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone.
Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look. Finally, he would have the joy of seeing it all himself. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall.

The moral lies in the fact that the pursuit is a matter of choice. It is a positive attitude we consciously choose to express. It is not a gift that gets delivered to our doorstep each morning, nor does it come through the window. And I am certain that our circumstances are just a small part of what makes us joyful. 

Do the things that create BIG Joy in your life. Become Joyful, and that will make you successful.

IT Servers & their Purposes

Servers are the engines of the IT infrastructure providing services and processing that make applications run at their best. 

Lets have a birds-view of the Variety of Servers:-

1. Real-Time Communication Servers

Also known as chat servers or IRC, and sometimes known as Instant messaging (IM) servers, these servers are meant to allow huge number users to exchange information instantly.

2. FTP Servers

This is one of the oldest of the Internet services available. The FTP or File Transfer Protocol allows the users to securely transfer one or more files of any size between two computers.

3. Collaboration Servers
In many ways, collaboration software, once called 'groupware,' demonstrates the original power of the Web. Collaboration software designed to enable users to collaborate, regardless of location, via the Internet or a corporate intranet and to work together in a virtual atmosphere.

4. List Servers
List servers lets users better manage their mass mailing lists like open interactive discussions or one-way lists to deliver newsletters, announcements or advertising.

5. Telnet Servers
The Telnet server lets the users on to a host computer control and work on remote computers.

6. Web Servers
At its core, a Web server serves static content to a Web browser by loading a file from a disk and serving it across the network to a user's Web browser. This entire exchange is mediated by the browser and server talking to each other using HTTP.

7. Database Servers

A database server is a computer program that provides database services to other computer programs or to other Servers. 

8. Virtual Servers
A virtual server is a web server which shares its resources with multiple users. It's another way of saying that multiple web sites share the resources of one server.

9. Proxy Servers
Proxy server is a server which acts as an intermediary for requests between the users and the servers. Client connects to the proxy server and the proxy server evaluates the requests sent by the users simplifies them and control their complexities.

10. Mail Servers
Mail servers help in moving and storing the e-mail over a network via LAN(s) and WAN(s) or across the Internet.

11. Server Platforms
Normally used in same context with that of operating systems, server platforms are the platforms that are under the hardware or software of a system and the hence in the engine that drives the server.

12. Open Source Servers
Similar to server platforms, Open source server are referred to the underlying open source operating system used in the IT infrastructures of the companies.

13. Application Servers
Application servers are a type of middle-ware which connects the database servers and the app users.

20 Facts about Computer #acking

1 Hacker originally meant “one who makes furniture with an ax.” Perhaps because of the blunt nature of that approach, the word came to mean someone who takes pleasure in an unconventional solution to a technical obstacle.

2 Computer hacking was born in the late 1950's, when members of MIT’s Tech Model Railroad Club, obsessed with electric switching, began preparing punch cards to control an IBM 704 mainframe.

3 One of the club’s early programs: code that illuminated lights on the mainframe’s console, making it look like a ball was zipping from left to right, then right to left with the flip of a switch. VoilĂ : computer Ping-Pong!

4 By the early 1970's, hacker “Cap’n Crunch” (a.k.a. John Draper) had used a toy whistle to match the 2,600-hertz tone used by AT&T’s long-distance switching system. This gave him access to call routing (and brief access to jail).

5 Before they struck it rich, Apple founders Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs made and sold “blue boxes,” electronic versions of Draper’s whistle.

6 Using a blue box, Wozniak crank-called the Pope’s residence in Vatican City and pretended to be Henry Kissinger.

7 Hacking went Hollywood in the 1983 movie "War Games",  about a whiz kid who breaks into a Defense Department computer and, at one point, hijack a pay phone by hot-wiring it with a soda can pull-ring.

8 That same year, six Milwaukee teens hacked into Los Alamos National Lab, which develops nuclear weapons.

9 In 1988 Robert T. Morris created a worm, or self-replicating program, purportedly to evaluate Internet security.

10 The worm reproduced too well, however. The multi­million-dollar havoc that ensued led to Morris’s felony conviction, one of the first under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.

11 They all come home eventually. Morris now researches computer science at...MIT.

12 British hacker Gary McKinnon broke into 97 U.S. Navy, Army, Pentagon, and NASA computers in 2001 and 2002.

13 McKinnon’s defense: He wasn't hunting military secrets; he was only seeking suppressed government files about space aliens.

14 According to rumor, agents of China’s People’s Liberation Army attempted to hack the U.S. power grid, triggering the great North American blackout of 2003.

15 It took IBM researcher Scott Lunsford just one day to penetrate the network of a nuclear power station: “I thought, ‘Gosh, this is a big problem.’”

16 Unclear on the concept: When West Point holds its annual cyberwar games, the troops wear full fatigues while fighting an enemy online.

17 Think your Mac is hack-proof?  At this year’s CanSecWest conference, security researcher Charlie Miller used a flaw in Safari to break into a Mac Book in under 10 seconds.

18 Cyborgs beware: Tadayoshi Kohno at the University of Washington recently hacked into a wireless defibrillator, causing it to deliver fatal-strength jolts of electricity.

19 This does not bode well for patients receiving wireless deep-brain stimulators.

20 The greatest kludge of all? Roger Angel of the University of Arizona has proposed building a giant sunscreen in space to hack the planet’s climate.