Seriously Humor

How serious can we be about humor in the workplace, and how humorous can we be about the seriousness we often find there? According to a survey only 15% of workers are fired because of lack of competence. The remaining 85% are let go because of their inability to get along with fellow employees. When asked about the qualities of an effective employee, senior administrators and human relations personnel check humor as one of the choice attributes of a desired employee.

Now a days humor became a recognized asset in the workplace! Humor facilitates communication, builds relationships, reduces stress, provides perspective, and promotes attending and energizes.

Humor provides a non-threatening medium through which an employee or employer can communicate with others without intensifying the emotional temperature of the relationship. The development of staff cohesion and a sense of team effort in the workplace can be effectively facilitated by the use of humor. Bulletin boards, electronic mail, intra-office memos, voice mail, etc. all offer mediums through which we can share humor with co-workers.Work is often associated with stress, and we know that stress is one of the main causes of illness, absenteeism, employee burn-out, etc. Humor is a great stress reliever because it makes us feel good, and we can't feel good and feel stress simultaneously.

We know that all good lecturers have many jokes, stories, and anecdotes that are shared in order to command attention and energize the audience. Humor wakes us up and increases our attending. A few moments of humor at work can lead to increased productivity as the newly energized employee returns to his or her task. In working environments where humor is supported there develops a culture that utilizes the humor to reduce stress and provide perspective.

Humor is a major career asset, so let's be serious about humor and use humor to lighten our seriousness in the workplace.